Traviss's books

Monday, October 22, 2012

Current Connection "Government report on secret flying saucer program..."

On they have an article named "Government report on secret flying saucer program made aviable."  The purpose of them writing this article is to inform the readers about the "flying saucer" the government has been hiding from us.  They tell us about the aircraft itself, the test they have done, and the products used in making it work.
"The disk-shaped craft --...-- was designed to reach top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet, according to the lengthy document, which is titled "Project 1794, Final Developement Summary Report" and dated 1956." This is telling about the expectations of this craft and what it should be able to withstand.
"Six Armstrong Siddeley Viper turbo-jets --1,900 pounds of thrust, 22 inch overall diameter, 525 pound weight each -- are mounted radially in the wind, exhausting inwards; and used as gas generators to drive a pair of contra-rotating centrifigual impellers by means of radial inflow turbine." These engines should beable to lift this product to the outstanding height it is supposed to reach. These jets were a feat for the time period this was supposed to be build in.
During a test it "simply did not work as hoped." Having this much power caused it to "wobble uncontrollably as it gained altitude." Which appear to be a danger to the pilot and anyone down below, the innocent bystanders.
This article sparked my interest becuase I have always been interested in places like Area 51, and the conspiracry theory about aliens. So I think it is pretty cool they were trying to build a "UFO."
This shows how easy it is for the government to hide things from us. So do you think it was wrong or right for them to hide this from the public?

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