Traviss's books

Monday, October 22, 2012

Current Connection "It's all in the rings"

In Veronique Greenwood's aritcle "Why Bacteria, But Not Humans, Can Live on Caffeine: It's all in the rings," she informs us on the reasons why this newly found bacterium can live on caffeine alone but we can not.
She states that "we, and the caffeine-loving bacterim, need nutrients like vitamins and minerals as well. But those are for use in biological reactions rather than as an energy source." This means that the bacteria do not need the energy that we need but they need the same nutrients for reactions that occur naturally inside of them. Since the caffeine has those nutrients they can still have those reactions occur. But we need the nutrients for energy and there is simply not enough in caffeine to use it alone.
We "humans are fairly limited in terms of what the body can digest," "alot of the molecules we eat, we don't use." So yes caffeine would be a substainable diet if it had the things in it that our complicated bodies could digest to use in our everyday lifes.
The reason we can not digest this molecule is because "we don't have the gear to digest derivatives further." We can only take away the CH3 in caffeine. leaving the few parts the we pee out if we can connect an oxygen to the molecule thats left.
I see something about coffee every other day because Mrs. Gilmore's classroom is focused around a cafe setting, and what do they serve at cafes? Coffee, that is it, and what does coffee have in it? Cafeine. It contains alot of cafeine unless you get that nasty decafe coffee.
Do you live off cafeine? If so you might want to rethink the way you live and get some of the foods and drinks your body can digest and use to help you stay healthy.

Current Connection "Government report on secret flying saucer program..."

On they have an article named "Government report on secret flying saucer program made aviable."  The purpose of them writing this article is to inform the readers about the "flying saucer" the government has been hiding from us.  They tell us about the aircraft itself, the test they have done, and the products used in making it work.
"The disk-shaped craft --...-- was designed to reach top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet, according to the lengthy document, which is titled "Project 1794, Final Developement Summary Report" and dated 1956." This is telling about the expectations of this craft and what it should be able to withstand.
"Six Armstrong Siddeley Viper turbo-jets --1,900 pounds of thrust, 22 inch overall diameter, 525 pound weight each -- are mounted radially in the wind, exhausting inwards; and used as gas generators to drive a pair of contra-rotating centrifigual impellers by means of radial inflow turbine." These engines should beable to lift this product to the outstanding height it is supposed to reach. These jets were a feat for the time period this was supposed to be build in.
During a test it "simply did not work as hoped." Having this much power caused it to "wobble uncontrollably as it gained altitude." Which appear to be a danger to the pilot and anyone down below, the innocent bystanders.
This article sparked my interest becuase I have always been interested in places like Area 51, and the conspiracry theory about aliens. So I think it is pretty cool they were trying to build a "UFO."
This shows how easy it is for the government to hide things from us. So do you think it was wrong or right for them to hide this from the public?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Book Review

How would you like to be a teenage living a normal life except for the fact that you were testing on as a baby, and now you have electric powers? In Richard Paul Evan's Micheal Vey: Prisoner of Cell 25 thats just what Micheal and a few otheres are expeirencing.
The power of friendship is a recurring theme seen throughout the story from an array of perspectives. One of the most important is the friendship that emerges between Micheal, Taylor, and Ostin. They each need this friendship more then ever because Ostin, is the geeky kid that everyone picks on and his only friend seems to be Micheal. Then it comes to him, he is so busy trying not to draw attention to himself that he also finds it hard to bring in new friendships until taylor sees him use his powers and he becomes the first person she told about her powers.
Richard's writing style keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what is going to happen next the entire book. I am not much of a reader but I did not want to put this book down. He keeps the action going that way it is hard to put this amazing book down.
The setting for this book is mainly Meridan High School. To everyone there Micheal is just a kid with tourrettes syndrome that nobody wants to hangout with. He is what we would call a "loner" aside from his one friend, Ostin.
This book reminds me of every other super hero book out there because it is based on the same basic things. Those basic things are; a person  trying to hide their abilities, someone sees him and has like abilities, then there is the bad guy that is always trying to capture or sometimes kill him. But this book has a twist because Micheal's and Ostin's bullies pair up and try to help them defeat the bad guy, The Elgin.
I would reccomend this book to anyone that loves books about the supernatural, teenage life, or just wants a good read. Not only is this book fantastice but this is just the beginning of an amazing series.

Monday, October 15, 2012

current connection 2

There is one particular article pieced together by many people that caught my eye this week in the Batesville Daily Guard. This article informs the readers about how there are many "perverts" in the world that could be closer than we think to their children.
David Shilketus, the volleyball coach at southside highschool, was accused of sending a picture of his genitalia to one of his 17 year old players. Yes, she participated in the "sexting" but she was not charged with any crimes seeing that she is underage.
What is this world coming too? Was she the only one? These are just a few questions many people ask about this situation. This is just like a situation that we had here at BHS last year, expect here the office worker and the kids actually had sexual intercourse. Do not get me wrong, what this coach did was not only legally wrong, but morally wrong.
As I read this article I could not help but think why would someone over age risk their job and there dignity for just one picture. He should of known better and I think he should be put in jail. A coaches and a teachers duty is to protect and eduactae the kids and i do not think he was doing his job correct.
He was supposed to be a role model to these kids. What kind of role model is this? We need to watch the people our kids are around every day cause perverts could be close to home.