Traviss's books

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Current Connection 2.1

In the article, How to decide on a career(even if you don't know what you want), it helps to prove that decision making can be hard, but it shouldn't be. Decsion making is never an easy thing; moreover, the thought of deciding on a career tends to give people a sense of fear, but it doesn't have to be. There are ways that one can make an easy decision on the type of career they would be most interesed in. There are thousands upon thousands of careers to chose from, but don't let the numbers scare you. Decide for you!

In this article by Annie Favreau she starts of by stating, "only five percent of people find a good career match on the first try." Contemplating on this percent, we are drove away by the thought of not being able to make it into that five percent; however, even though most people do not find that career their first go around it does not mean we should stop trying. Good oppurtunites come to those who wait.

The article also elaborates on the topic by proclaiming, "you don't have to be head over heals for a career in order to thrive." She is stating, firmly on the situation, that you do not need to give up career that would be best suited for you just because it isn't the most amazing thing to do This world, a wide range free to roam, a place in which one can acieve what they please and desire, is full of people who want but can't have. We cannot all have the perfect dream job, but we can still find a career where we will be happy to work instead of being run over by the stresses of the world.

Another strong point that Mrs. Favreau is making is clearly shown when we states,"your 99.99 percent guarenteed to find multiple careers choices where you can shine." Expressing her most optimistic side, she is declaring that you do not have to settle for that one option. Explore all your opions , because odds are you will find something that will trully spark an interest, bringing you to  a happier life in the long run.

I am faced with many choices for career oppurtunites ahead of me; however, I know that as long as I keep in mind that I can be happy at my job instead of stressed I will have an easier process of elimination.

Deciding on a career is only hard if you make it hard!


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