Traviss's books

Friday, February 8, 2013


It is a true that arsenic is a “Potent human pathogen that can set up children for health problems later in life” as Consumer Reports claims it is. What I find hard to believe is that it is rice and rice products so heavy that I can affect your well being later on in life. It has showed up at what they are saying is an alarming rate,  we are talking micrograms per serving. Consumer Reports is even telling people to cut back on how much rice they take in through strict diet changes, even when arsenic is found in almost everything on earth. Consumer Reports has even worked with scientists to decide what needs to be done to stop arsenic levels from being as high as they are. They suggest that the EPA should phase out the use of arsenic containing pesticides, the USDA and EPA should end the use of arsenic laden manure as fertilizer, and that the FDA should ban the feeding of arsenic- containing drugs and byproducts to animals. I believe it is all just a big hype, and should blow over soon.

On the other hand, the Arkansas Rice Federation responds to the article by Consumer reports saying “We understand that arsenic is an alarming word but consumers should know that arsenic is a naturally occurring element in our air, water, rocks, and soil. It has always been in our food supply and no pesticides containing arsenic are used in rice production.” 49% of all rice grown in the United States is grown in Arkansas, and the Arkansas Rice Federation is planning on keeping it that way. They say that the FDA has made it clear that no changes are recommended regarding rice consumption. Lastly they state that, They will be working with the FDA, food scientists, nutritionists, and manufacturers, as they look further into this issue.

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